
EU Digital Summit 2024

15 May

FEB/VBO, Brussels

The EU Digital Summit 2024 highlighted the key priorities for a thriving digital economy within the Union. As the EU aspires to lead in the digital era, the focus revolved around strong policies, incentives, and regulations that empower citizens and businesses to thrive during the EU Digital Decade. Addressing critical topics such as semiconductors ecosystem, cybersecurity, language models, digital skills, and the AI safety and regulation and its impact on the job market, were at the forefront of discussions.

Meet the 2024 Speakers

Adina Vălean
European Commissioner for Transport
Mathieu Michel
Secretary of State for Digitalization, Belgium
Colin Scicluna
Head of Cabinet, European Commissioner Dubravka Šuica
Ana Gallego
Director General DG JUST, European Commission
Signe Ratso
Deputy Director General DG RTD, European Commission
Lucilla Sioli
Director AI, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Kamila Kloc
Director Connectivity, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Rita Wezenbeek
Director DG CNECT, European Commission
Dragos Tudorache
Member of the European Parliament
Karen Massin
Head Government Affairs & Public Policy - EU Institutions, Google
Aaron Kleiner
Head of Public Policy for US and EU, Atlassian
Valérie Nowak
Chief Innovation & Product Officer Europe, Mastercard
Marco Pancini
Head of EU Affairs, Meta
Aliki Foinikopoulou
Senior Director, Global Public Policy, Salesforce
Jens Lundsgaard
Deputy Director, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD
Audrey Plonk
Deputy Director, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD
Agnès Diallo
Executive Director, EU-LISA
Audrey Scozzaro Ferrazzini
Vice-President Government Affairs, Qualcomm
Stan Larroque
CEO, Lynx
Tasos Stampelos
Head of EU Public Policy, Mozilla
Cristian Samoilovich
Head of Global Policy and Government Affairs OPERA
Benjamin Schilz
CEO, Wire
Florian Cortez
Joint Research Fellow, Egmont Institute
Jesus Contreras
CFO/COO, EIT Digital

“I think it’s a comfort that every European can say to the social network providers here that there is a European rulebook.”

Margrethe Vestager
EVP for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age and Competition, European Commission

“Companies should set some common ethical standards. In this regard, Europe can play an important role in setting the right standards, in terms of values, transparency, inclusiveness.”

Nanna-Louise Linde
VP of European Government Affairs, Microsoft

“I hope that both the strength of the EU and the US can be bundled so that we ensure a rules-based order for the digital world.”

Marietje Schaake
International Policy Director at the Stanford Cyber Policy Centre Advisor to EVP Vestager

Check the 2025 Agenda

Our mission statement

Our mission is twofold: we aim to bring politics and business together in order to provide them with an opportunity to debate and pursue their common goals, giving a voice to all sides of the debate. The other priority of EBS is to provide European institutions with a platform where they can place their top priorities in the spotlight and advance the development of new pieces of legislation through discussion with a variety of actors and stakeholders.

Arnaud Thysen
Director General

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